Why Car Free Day in Some Cities including Kigali?

History of Car Free Day in the Developed Cities

Car Free Day in Bogota city of Colombia
The Car Free Day has been so popular since the 1970s in Bogota city of Colombia, so Los Angeles became next due to its solid traffic reputation. Normally, people used to complain of long travels, air pollution, common traffic collisions and delays. Later, Richard McKinnon proposed closing off a portion of the city to vehicles for a few hours one Sunday to lessen vehicle traffic and encourage biking and walking to reduce the risks.

His idea is based on the success of many other cities where officials have incorporated car-free days to promote the improvement of mass transit, biking and walking, and the development of communities where jobs are closer to home and where shopping is within walking distance. Instead of pressuring the individual to develop healthy habits, the intervention creates an environment where exercise is not only possible but pleasant, ultimately motivating some individuals to choose to be physically active. These programs also encouraged social wellbeing, provided employment and helped to reduce environmental pollution (Centers for Health Advancement, 2015). These physical, mental, social, and environmental benefits the Car Free Day can be applied in everywhere in the world regardless of developed and developing countries, for we all need healthy living.

An Outstanding Welcome to Car Free Day in the Cleanest City

Now in Kigali on every First and Third Sunday of each month
It is a good question to ask that “What are the impacts of Car Free Day on health of its participants in Rwanda since it has been introduced?” the answer is the Car Free Day(CFD) is the most important event in Kigali for physical, social, and environmental wellness even though some people complain about closing the alternative routes which stop their business in the short period.  The motto of Rwanda Biomedical Center is “a healthy nation, a wealthy nation”, and I strongly agree with this saying. It is no sense to have billions of Rwandan Francs without healthy living, and CFD is one of public commitment to enjoy exercises, reduce risk factors of diabetes, cancer, hypertension, hypotension, and other cardiovascular diseases, having fun with family and friends in a green environment of fresh air. As H.E Paul Kagame wrote on his twitter (2018), we should make CFD sustainable/long term, for the health and other benefits are enormous. I am a permanent CFD information officer, so I have accessed information on how it is improving the health and well-being of the Rwandan citizens.

Physical health and Wellness

Free non-communicable screening after sport

CFD is the only event which allows the participants to enjoy the fun and health workouts, and get free non-communicable diseases screening. Participating in the car-free day to walk and jog will help the corporate city dwellers who hardly find time to go to the gym to be able to exercise and lose some fats, consequently reducing the risks of acquiring noncommunicable diseases, such as diabetes, blood pressure, among others. Actually, prevention is better than cure, so Rwandan hospitals and clinics treat non-communicable diseases, but it is better to encourage prevention over treatment. That’s why Kigali introduced Kigali Car Free Day to encourage mass exercises during the car-free day (Tashobya, 2016).

Socializing and Networking Benefits

People socialize and develop even their prof. networks.
It is the best and unique opportunity to socialize with your friends and family members, and it allows making friends and gets employment opportunities by networking. Instead of pressuring the individual to develop healthy habits, the intervention creates an environment where exercise is not only possible but pleasant, ultimately motivating some individuals to be physical fits with their loved ones or making new friends.  These programs also encouraged social wellbeing, provide employment by networking (Centers for Health Advancement, 2015).

Solution for CFD Complaints

Be proud of healthy and better environment. 
Some people complain about closing the roads, but this is the effective strategy to reduce the noise and air pollution for sustaining the better and healthy environment. Kigali Car Free Day is aimed at encouraging mass sports and exercise along the affected route through introducing the much anticipated green transport and the green city as the City Mayor Monique Mukaruliza noted in 2016. Normally, people used to complain of long travels due to closing off a portion of the city to vehicles for a few hours one Sunday to lessen vehicle traffic and encourage biking and walking to reduce the risks of pollution and enjoy the healthy environment.


Centers for Health Advancement. (2015, December 17). The Benefits of Car-free Days. Retrieved from http://uclacha.org/2016/01/04/the-benefits-of-car-free-days/
Tashobya, A. (2016, May 25). Kigali introduces car-free day. Retrieved from http://www.newtimes.co.rw/section/read/200185/



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