
Showing posts from February, 2018

Stay Younger and Address Aging!

Normally, when a person is young, healthy, and earn desired income, s/he feels proud of life and wish to live forever.  Unluckily, aging is a barrier to all of them because it affects our physical, mental, and social life negatively. Frankly, I have met and realized the struggle of old people that is why I wish to fight aging. For examples, Mr.  John has lost her wife 10 years ago. He is 85 and always alone, and he does not like approaching others. Also, Dr.  Jonathan is 90, he cannot manage to stand for even 5 minutes. Ms.  Percaline is 80. Unfortunately, it is very difficult to communicate with her, for a person needs to repeat over and over for her to listen. Before you keep reading, would you please subscribe to get more articles?  Tips for Addressing Aging      1.  Drink at least 1.5 Liter of clean water per day, for water facilitates digestion, circulation, excretion, healthy skin, eye, and muscle elasticity.   Remember to drink clean water     2. Eat health

The Key to Successful Life!

I, you, he, and she needs to live a successful life, right? I am sure that everyone has a lesson to learn and share on this topic, so please remember to leave a comment. My friend, when you have a positive mental health, you think, speak, and act positively. The common enemy of our mind is stress, so learning and practicing stress management is an effective strategy to reduce & eliminate failure in your life. Have you ever lost the concentration, interest, and courage because of stress at work or/and school? Normally, stress is when you have a state of mental or emotional pressure caused by a response to opposing or challenging conditions. It occurs when there is a mismatch between what you wish to do and what you are capable of doing. The stress can increase the vulnerability to illness. Please remember that a constant stress over a long time can cause stomach pain, nervous, chest pain, headache, backache, neckache, and jaw-ache which all of us fear to experience. Suddenl