
Stay Younger and Address Aging!

Normally, when a person is young, healthy, and earn desired income, s/he feels proud of life and wish to live forever.  Unluckily, aging is a barrier to all of them because it affects our physical, mental, and social life negatively. Frankly, I have met and realized the struggle of old people that is why I wish to fight aging. For examples, Mr.  John has lost her wife 10 years ago. He is 85 and always alone, and he does not like approaching others. Also, Dr.  Jonathan is 90, he cannot manage to stand for even 5 minutes. Ms.  Percaline is 80. Unfortunately, it is very difficult to communicate with her, for a person needs to repeat over and over for her to listen. Before you keep reading, would you please subscribe to get more articles?  Tips for Addressing Aging      1.  Drink at least 1.5 Liter of clean water per day, for water facilitates digestion, circulation, excretion, healthy skin, eye, and muscle elasticity.   Remember to drink clean water     2. Eat health

The Key to Successful Life!

I, you, he, and she needs to live a successful life, right? I am sure that everyone has a lesson to learn and share on this topic, so please remember to leave a comment. My friend, when you have a positive mental health, you think, speak, and act positively. The common enemy of our mind is stress, so learning and practicing stress management is an effective strategy to reduce & eliminate failure in your life. Have you ever lost the concentration, interest, and courage because of stress at work or/and school? Normally, stress is when you have a state of mental or emotional pressure caused by a response to opposing or challenging conditions. It occurs when there is a mismatch between what you wish to do and what you are capable of doing. The stress can increase the vulnerability to illness. Please remember that a constant stress over a long time can cause stomach pain, nervous, chest pain, headache, backache, neckache, and jaw-ache which all of us fear to experience. Suddenl

5 Major Trends You Should Expect in Healthcare System in 2018

Healthcare trends are different inclinations that influence various positive or negative changes in health settings.  For instance, the current young generation has many and different expectations to access effective and advanced healthcare services using technologies with less or no trips to see doctors (Elsevier, 2016). The current healthcare trends include high demand for care, technology, increased partnership & collaborations, the community of care, and focus on wellness & prevention.       High Demand for Care Current generation seeks treatment and care with high-quality from different providers rather than visiting a primary care physician. Therefore, hospitals need to offer patient-centered services and products, and they should also involve patients in decision making to satisfy the demands. Also, there should have services in a way that is comfortable, convenient, and flexible to improve clinical outcomes. (Elsevier, 2016). For example, many peopl

Why Car Free Day in Some Cities including Kigali?

History of Car Free Day in the Developed Cities Car Free Day in Bogota city of Colombia The Car Free Day has been so popular since the 1970s in Bogota city of Colombia, so Los Angeles became next due to its solid traffic reputation. Normally, people used to complain of long travels, air pollution, common traffic collisions and delays. Later, Richard McKinnon proposed closing off a portion of the city to vehicles for a few hours one Sunday to lessen vehicle traffic and encourage biking and walking to reduce the risks. His idea is based on the success of many other cities where officials have incorporated car-free days to promote the improvement of mass transit, biking and walking, and the development of communities where jobs are closer to home and where shopping is within walking distance. Instead of pressuring the individual to develop healthy habits, the intervention creates an environment where exercise is not only possible but pleasant, ultimately motivating some

Holistic Health for Well Being of Everyone

a .               A holistic health considers the wellbeing of the whole body such as physical, mental, and social well-being as well as how he/she interacts with his/her environment. It emphasizes the connection of mind, body, and spirit rather than focusing on illness only, Simply, holistic health is not only concerned with the absence of disease but with a positive state of being (New York College of Health Professions, n.d.). b.        Importance of holistic approach to health A holistic approach is important to health, for it provides long-lasting wellbeing of general body. It teaches patients to be active recipients of health care because its philosophy is each person has responsibility for his/her own health and must be an active participant in his/her own healing. It encourages patients to be accountable for the daily care of their health through diet, exercise, lifestyle, and attitudes about what constitutes wellness. The holistic approach treats the causes rathe

Global Health Insights

Normally global health definition has a broad definition but to be specific, it can be explained in the following words. It is an area of study, research, and practice that has a priority to improve healthcare quality for all people universally. Global health requires collaborative trans-national research and action for promoting health for everyone in the world. Global collaboration focuses on the critical importance of addressing all health issues and especially global issues which have commonly affected the large population of the globe (Beaglehole & Bonita, 2010). Global Health Insights Epidemiology is the medical field that deals with the incidence, distribution, and possible control of diseases and other factors relating to health. Simply, it is all of the factors needed to control the presence or absence of a disease or pathogen in a given population for general wellness of community (Merriam-Webster, n.d.). International Health Regulations (IHR) are protocols

Measuring Rote Against Eidetic Memorization Techniques

Measuring Rote Against Eidetic Memorization Techniques Researcher: Patrick Mahirwe Date: 2/1/2017 Abstract  This report explains the memorization techniques by the experiment. It aims to provide more details about the difference between rote and eidetic memorization techniques. To conduct the experiment, I had four participants who formed two groups and there were ten words to use in this research. Each participant had to recall the words from ten words they were assigned to memorize. I wanted to know which memorization technique is effective, for I divided participants into two groups; two participants in Group One and other remaining two participants in Group Two. Which means that the first two participants would memorize words by using rote and other remaining two participants would memorize words by eidetic. The results from my experiment have shown that both groups had different ability to memorize information, based on the memorizing techniques they have used.  I have